Wednesday, January 12, 2011


The past two weeks have been a roller coaster. Our semester started with a rush to orient new students, order supplies before our budget gets cut, a Cub Scout trip, and the death of my second mom.

In terrible for sending Christmas Cards, or letters, or just plain calling. It doesn't mean you're not on my mind is just scattered.

This part is probably an entry all by itself, but it dovetails with this entry. My 81 year old dad, who acts like a 30 year old, went with us to the USS Yorktown on our Cub Scout trip. While with him in the Medal of Honor museum is when I heard about Mom Lahnstein's passing. It made the rest of the time with my dad that much more special. As much as I hate to admit it, he won't outlive me. I'll have to face life without him one day.

For now, I wouldn't trade a minute I spend with him for all the money in the world. You just don't know when you'll get that call.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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