Thursday, December 05, 2019

Who, me??

Holy crap. I just got brought down a couple of notches, but in a very good way. Real quick, and not to brag, but to help put this all in perspective.

I started volunteering in public safety at the ripe old age of 18. It was all adventure! One thing led to another and I became a volunteer EMT at Cary Area Rescue Squad (EMS). Oddly enough, a few months later, they offered me a job. I had to advance through certifications to keep it, which meant night classes.

Two years later I became a certified paramedic. I OWNED the world (So I thought, inside of my little 21 year mind!).

I had no idea that my career would end up in education. After 14 years of full-time field work, I became a teacher. I didn't plan on that. I didn't know how long I would do it. have that encounter that changes everything. One student....scared to the point of trembling as I collected EMT class final exams. I could have made her wait until the next day, when I planned on grading them. But I just couldn't. She was SO stressed. She passed! On her own! I just supplied the information and learning environment.

Happy ending, right? Then, IT happens. You get elevated by that student to a status you feel uncomfortable at. After all, I just taught the class. SHE had to pass, right?

This student....for the past 20 years....has called me her "hero." Yet...SHE accomplished her goal, NOT me!

The point I'm making is that you can spend a lifetime wondering just what the hell you are doing, and never realize the impact you have on other lives. TO THIS DAY she views me as her hero...and I am humbled by this. And I am, extremely, honored by it.

My dad has always felt that a worthy life is one giving back to society. But, it's hard to tell, in the middle of it all, that THAT is exactly what is happening!

I am just me. That's all there is to it. But, apparently, I have been in the right place at the right time to to be part of a positive outcome.

We ALL have that opportunity. Just always remember: "You never know when you are setting an example, but you can always know what kind of example you are setting."

To my Academy brothers and sisters: don't listen to any of this old man's rambling...except: You WILL make a difference. There's no two ways about it. You are destined to be at least one person's hero. Earn it. Put everything you have into your love of caring for people. And...unbeknownst to will be many peoples' hero. And that's a good thing.

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