Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Final Exams

Big day tomorrow. Apparently, I’m the only one who’s nervous. Should I be? If everyone believes in
me, does that seal it?

A friend of mine, actually, my field training officer (wasn’t even a sparkle in his parents’ eyes when I started, but definitely a talented and smart paramedic) quoted this: “If there are so many people that believe in me, who’s to say I can’t believe in myself?”

Over the past four months I’ve spent more hours getting up to speed than I did to originally become a paramedic. But, that’s no surprise. I took the course 34 years ago. A few things have changed. I am...a fish out of water learning to breath air. Thankfully, I have many talented, intelligent, and supportive people in my life!

Just breath.

1 comment:

Inukshuk said...

Well, I passed.