Thursday, April 28, 2022

Back to the Future

 Today we met with my new endocrinologist. Looks like my back issue is worse than I thought. 

Here’s where it started.

I’ve been having burning in my neck and lumbar for years, depending on what activity I was performing. In January 2022 I finally went to my doctor about it.

A spine X-ray later and he expressed concern over my bone density.

A bone density scan later and I was diagnosed with severe osteoporosis in my lumbar spine, and knocking on osteoporosis in my cervical spine.

I also got lab results for a parathyroid lab that indicates Celiac Disease, a common cause of osteoporosis (further referred to as “OR”.)

Today, April 28, 2022, Ange and I had an in person visit with Dr. Sarah Zaheer, my endocrinologist. Apparently. .for may age, “severe OR” is a pretty bog deal. She played a good poker face describing all the treatment options, leaving it up to us to decide what route to follow. She was very quick to agree the most aggressive treatment was the best decision.

Oh, great.

It’s my understanding that my situation carries a high risk of spinal fracture, typical something like a compression fracture. What, exactly, does that mean?

Well, it’s difficult to say what EXACTLY the risks are. Can I fracture my spine getting into a car, riding over a bump, or even sneezing? Apparently, yes. How nervous does that make me?

One week I’m assisting 450 pound patients out of bed by pulling on them, the next I learn that could have caused me to break my bag....significantly easier than the next guy.

But, wait, there’s more! It’s unusual for an otherwise healthy 56 year old male to develop OR. What could have caused it??

Of course, Celiac. Like I referenced above, my parathyroid test results indicate I likely have Celiac Disease. I’m awaiting a GI consult. But, this particular test, with my particular profile, is pretty reliable.

It doesn’t upset me to thinkI’m probably Celiac...Alex is, so I can’t whine about least for his sake. What kind of dad would I be? Yes, it means NO MORE Bojangle’s. No more beer. No more Krispy Kreme. No more etc. Can’t change it, might as well embrace it.

No, what worries me more is the risk of fracture. For 56 years I’ve eaten what I want and done what I want. Suddenly I’m a brittle old man. Damn.

I’ll be back once we learn more. I’ll also likely edit what I’ve written here.

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